All materials have been selected for their healing effect.
Here you will find information about the materials I use and what they can do for you individually.
Because I work with purely natural materials, some irregularities may be visible in the stones/shells.

Over time the copper wire may darken slightly as I used uncoated copper wire before.
You can lighten the copper wire by placing it in a little bit of white vinegar and salt for a few minutes.
Then naturalize it briefly in a bath of water with bicarbonate.

From now on I have chosen to work with non-oxidizing copper wire, which means that the copper does not darken.
The above may still apply to previously sold jewelry.


The world just keeps on racing, getting up, work/school/children, obligations, and back to bed. We forget to really be in the moment. Copper helps with that. It helps you to live in the now. In addition, it gives a good view of who you actually are or want to be. Self-confident, decisive, courageous, creative, playful and full of energy and strength.

Copper jewelry is one of the best ways to harness the healing properties of copper. By wearing the metal close to the skin, your own vibrations synchronize with the copper. Copper has the ability to soothe pain, improve cardiovascular health, clear the chakras, and balance inner energy and happiness.

Spiritual meaning

Copper is used a lot by shamans and healers because it creates harmony between the physical and astral bodies and aligns them. It also brings other elements into contact with each other. For example, it has a magnetizing effect on the earth and connects stones with each other so that the various forces work together. Place copper with a few other stones and it will bundle all the forces, bring them into balance and direct them where they are needed.

Emotional & Mental

Less well known is the power of copper to align people with each other. It has the power to resolve all kinds of small and large blockages that exist between people so that the bond is restored. It can also create closeness in groups in this way. On a personal level, it is also a strong healer, balances the personality and gives a lot of strength and energy. This also makes it extremely useful for burn-out, other stress-related complaints and psychological fatigue.


Copper is a strong physical healer. It supports the healing of virtually everything. In some areas copper excels even more. Fatigue is quickly gone with copper, it brings great loads of energy and strength. Furthermore, it relieves cramps and supports kidneys, pancreas, brain, liver, rheumatism, arthritis, menstruation, breathing and oxygen complaints. This powerful healer conducts energy and ensures the right balance in the body. This removes blockages that cause imbalance and diseases. Activates the blood and ensures a higher oxygen permeability.

Perhaps the most important property of copper is that it provides energy from the ether. It is not without reason that copper was used in the past to capture free energy from the ether. Our tap water was also cleaned by the copper pipes that have now all been replaced by plastic, which means that the quality of our tap water is now much lower.

Cooperation Copper with other stones

Copper is of course the ultimate collaborator but has a special bond with Turquoise. Used together, they become one of the most powerful healing elements there is. Rock Crystal and Azurite with Malachite are also desirable companions

Copper Bracelets and Rings with Magnets

Magnetism is a fundamental force of nature that influences the Earth and is present in

different forms. Magnetic therapy uses static magnets,

that produce a constant magnetic field. The idea is that this magnetic field interacts

can have on the body and can have positive effects.

Physical benefits:

1. Pain Relief: One of the most common uses of magnets is for

pain relief. The magnetic fields promote blood circulation, which in turn can

help reduce pain, especially in conditions such as arthritis.

2. Anti-inflammatory properties: Magnet therapy can have anti-inflammatory

effects. This may be beneficial for people with inflammation-related


3. Acceleration of wound healing: Studies have shown that magnetic fields

can accelerate wound healing by increasing blood flow to the affected area


4. Improved Sleep Quality: There are reports of people claiming that

magnetic therapy can contribute to better sleep quality and fatigue can


Influence on the Brain:

1. Stimulation of Cognitive Functions: There is some research that indicates that magnetic

stimulation can affect certain cognitive functions, such as concentration and

memory. This is often applied in the field of neuromodulation.

2. Stress reduction: Some people experience a feeling of relaxation and

stress reduction when exposed to magnetic fields. This could contribute to

better mental health.


Labradorite is a protective stone that is perfect for highly sensitive people. The stone is often found in a mix of different colours, each with its own meaning and power. Labradorite is often grey with a blue-yellow sheen. This can also be in combination with orange, purple or green. Labradorite can be found in Canada, Finland, Greenland and Madagascar.

Labradorite is a versatile stone that calms and provides concentration. The stone supports sleeping problems and helps against snoring when the stone is worn at night. Labradorite also has a beneficial effect on digestion and the stone can help with high blood pressure. The stone has a positive effect on the hormone balance and can therefore help with menstrual complaints or fertility complaints. 

Labradorite has a spiritual meaning and teaches you to stand up for yourself. Labradorite is a perfect stone for meditation and helps to make a connection with higher energies. Labradorite heals and protects the aura against external influences: the stone creates a force field around the aura that ensures that stimuli enter you less intensively. That is why this gemstone is very suitable for highly sensitive people. 


Turquoise is a blue-green mineral composed of copper-aluminum phosphates. The terms turquoise and turquoise are used interchangeably, both are correct. Turquoise is often considered an energetic stone with a number of healing properties.

Turquoise is often seen as a protective stone that shields the wearer from negative energies and outside influences. The stone is considered to have a calming and soothing presence that helps control emotions and promote inner peace and balance. Turquoise is considered a healing stone that can align the body’s energies and enhance the body’s natural healing powers. It is associated with improving communication and strengthening connections, both with others and with the higher self.


Turquoise strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight disease and infection. It can reduce inflammation and can promote the healing of injuries. Turquoise has a positive effect on skin problems, such as acne and eczema. Turquoise is considered a painkilling stone that can reduce pain in the body, especially in the joints.


Turquoise is also often used in alternative medicine and spirituality. In many Eastern cultures, this special stone is considered a powerful talisman that offers protection and good luck, and is often used in healing rituals and meditation. It is also associated with properties such as healing, protection, communication and emotional stability. Many people carry turquoise with them for protection and to heal their mind and body. It also amplifies positive energy.


One of the most popular crystals ever is the amethyst. It is often one of the stones that enthusiasts add to their crystal collection first. They also often appear in jewelry. This is of course not without reason, this stone is not only beautiful, but also versatile. It can awaken you to higher wisdom and connect you with guidance from outside the physical world, but it is also just as effective as a stone for physical healing.

The purple-hued crystal’s powers reportedly range from quelling anxiety to ensuring a good night’s sleep. Because amethyst targets the crown chakra (located at the very top of your head and aligned with the mind), the crystal works to bring about a sense of physical and emotional calm.

Specific healing properties include relieving headaches and migraines, aiding in pain relief, and enhancing intuition. Many believe that placing an amethyst by your bed will calm your mind and bring pleasant dreams your way.

Clear Crystal

Clear crystal is another very special crystal that many people turn to. It works by bringing clarity to everyone around you, allowing you to see the truth of things. A rock crystal is able to heal the body and mind with equal fluency, but its specialty is vision – both physical and spiritual. If you have been suffering from brain fog, or have a confused mind due to stress that you have been through, this crystal can really straighten things out for you, giving you a broader perspective on what you need to do.

In addition to the fact that a rock crystal can give you insights, this crystal also has calming energies that prevent the truths around you from hurting you too much. A rock crystal forms the golden triangle together with an amethyst and rose quartz. When you place these three crystals together, they generate an optimal positive energy flow. The energy of these three stones fits together so well that this wonder has been given the name ‘The Golden Triangle’.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz promotes unconditional love, forgiveness, peace and compassion. It creates harmony in relationships and teaches us the true essence of love. It purifies and opens the heart, allowing us to express our emotions. It reduces stress and tension, allowing us to express love, sensitivity and compassion for ourselves and others. Rose Quartz brings deep inner healing, strengthening self-love, self-confidence, self-esteem and self-esteem. It can be used to attract love into your life and maintain happy loving relationships.

Even if you are stuck on an emotional rollercoaster, for example, rose quartz encourages reconciliation and empathy. Another benefit? It is said to bring about a sense of inner peace, regardless of your relationship status. This love crystal also helps heal and strengthen the heart and circulatory system. It promotes healing of respiratory problems, which releases impurities from the body. It is also used to increase fertility.

Black Tourmaline

The meaning of this special stone is protection. Black tourmaline is a protective stone that protects you from negative energy. The crystal has therefore become especially popular with people who are naturally empathic, or otherwise inclined to pick up on the emotions and energies of others. Black tourmaline forms a strong barrier between you and others and ensures that you are not dragged into drama or emotional blackmail. It is a real self-confidence booster!

The absorbent crystal is said to absorb all the negative vibes that come your way, removing toxicity. It is therefore a great crystal to have in your home at all times. Associated with the root chakra, black tourmaline proponents say it can ground you when life feels overwhelming.


Vibrant in color and also in its energies, citrine is also a great crystal to go for. Citrine, a bright yellow variety of quartz, is said to help people who are stuck. It connects to your solar plexus chakra, where most of the energy exchange between people actually takes place, as well as some intuitive insights – or “gut feelings” as we often call them.

But besides strengthening these parts of ourselves, Citrine also promotes growth. Growth of an individual, growth in a relationship, growth in financial abundance, anything you focus your strength on. Many people with their own business, swear by Citrine for financial abundance.

Citrine also boosts your self-confidence, so if you’ve been feeling a little insecure lately, this gemstone can definitely give you the boost you’ve been looking for.


You probably guessed this from the name of this crystal, but moonstone draws its energy from the moon and uses it to make your life better! Placing it near your belly can help with hormonal or fertility issues, while keeping a moonstone in your workspace can help you be more creative.

It is also called the stone of “new beginnings”. Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. It soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilizes the emotions, which brings calmness. Moonstone enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success and happiness in love and business matters.

In addition, moonstone aids the digestive system, assimilating nutrients, eliminating toxins and fluid retention, and alleviating degenerative conditions of the skin, hair, eyes, and fleshy organs such as the liver and pancreas. It stimulates the pineal gland and balances hormonal cycles, and is excellent for PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding.


Selenite has a meaning of clarity and awareness. With a color as pale as the flutter of angel wings, the Selenite stone is awash with otherworldly wonder. Instantly calming, Selenite has a long history as a beloved goddess stone and is said to bring protection, harmony and healing to the body, mind and home.

Selenite wands can be popular for those who wish to channel energy, and the stones and gemstone jewelry that contain selenite are designed to help us open up to higher frequencies and messages from the universe. On a more grounded level, selenite can also be a great stone for moving through energy blockages, bringing peace and purity to your mind and heart, and generally keeping you protected and connected to the world around you.


We could all use a little more luck in our lives, and that’s what makes jade so popular: it’s a wearable good luck charm. Jade is said to bring abundance and prosperity in the material realm and in the social sphere. Wearing jade on your left hand or wrist is said to help bring in blessings from the universe. Alternatively, jade rings are quite elegant too.

Jade is known to have both mental and physical healing properties. Emotionally, jade is thought to help those who possess it with self-love and confidence and to become self-sufficient, while on the physical side, it is thought to help remove toxins from vital organs and is even believed to act as a fever reducer.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a very spiritual stone and is known as the stone of truth and friendship. It brings harmony, love and protection to relationships. It also helps to increase awareness and good judgment, which can help to deepen relationships.

It is believed to have a strong spiritual connection between the physical and heavenly realms. Many people wear it for spiritual growth and to help them connect with their guardian angels.

In meditation, lapis lazuli brings intuitive and psychic awareness while opening the third eye and stimulating the throat chakra. It is a great manifesting tool and aids in clear thinking, communication, and creative imagination. It is a popular stone with writers in particular as it is believed to help bring a natural flow of writing energies.

Lapis lazuli is a protection stone, bringing protective energies against mental and physical attacks. This makes it an excellent stone to work with when overcoming trauma, as it allows you to explore and overcome these issues in a safe and protective environment.


Onyx is a stone that protects against negativity. It is said that the stone creates a shield around the wearer, deflecting negative energies and emotions.

Onyx is associated with increased concentration and focus. It is said to help the wearer (or those around it) to stay clear-headed and focused, especially during stressful situations. This gemstone is said to help control emotions and anxiety. The stone is considered a support for those who are emotionally out of balance, for whatever reason.


Opal is a protective and activating stone. It makes cheerful, optimistic, lively, spontaneous, original, creative and stimulates an interest in art and appreciation for beautiful things. The stone also has a strong connection with love, passion and (enjoying) sexuality and makes faithful and loyal. Physically, opal stimulates the self-healing capacity of the body and has a purifying effect. It has a positive effect on memory, Parkinson’s disease, infections, fever and adrenal glands.

Tigers Eye

Tiger’s eye is a protective stone that focuses attention inward and on the bigger picture. The stone protects against negative external influences and provides insight into ourselves and others. The stone helps to distance yourself, maintain an overview, integrate information and achieve your goals. In difficult times, tiger’s eye can provide strength, courage and confidence and help with internal conflicts, dilemmas, doubt and indecisiveness. Tiger’s eye promotes peace, has a pain-relieving effect, helps with overstimulation of the nervous system and counteracts hyperventilation. The stone has a positive effect on colds, asthma, eyes, throat, genitals and relieves tension. Tiger’s eye can be useful for people with personality disorders and depression.


Lepidolite has a protective, calming and cleansing effect. The stone stimulates independence and setting, concentrating on and achieving goals and thus stimulates personal growth. Lepidolite also stimulates rational and analytical thinking, concentration, objectivity and thus helps to make decisions. The stone promotes inner peace and helps to break through restrictive behaviour and thought patterns. It counteracts negativity, depression, stress, dependency, obsessive thoughts and despair and helps people with anorexia, bipolar disorders and addictions. It helps to protect your own boundaries against negative external influences and protects against electromagnetic radiation (computers, mobile phones, etc.). The stone helps with astral travel and making contact with previous lives. Physically, lepidolite helps with sleep disorders, nerve pain, sciatica, joint complaints, allergies, epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease. The stone has a detoxifying effect and has a positive effect on the immune system.


This is an aboriginal stone and is also called Australian Jasper. It is a calming and grounding stone and has a purifying effect on the liver and kidneys. Strengthens the immune system. Mookaite contributes to vitality and promotes the healing of wounds. Mookaite also has a positive effect on digestion and intestines. In addition to its calming and grounding effect, this stone also has a strong protective effect against negative energies and radiation.

Mookaite is a stone that makes you combative and decisive and turns your ideas into action. Mookaite also helps you to stand up for yourself and makes you more resilient. Teaches you to just say ‘no’. Mookaite provides balance in body, soul and mind.

Mookaite is a good meditation stone and helps you to go deeper into your meditation. It helps you to switch off from your environment so that you can find deep peace within yourself.


Fuchsite has transformative and healing properties. This beautiful green stone puts you in your power, gives energy and increases your self-esteem, among other things. Helps you to clearly indicate your boundaries and is therefore a nice stone for people who are insecure and quickly stressed. Fuchsite has a protective effect on negative energies and emotions of others so that they come in less hard with you. Fuchsite helps you to take on a victim role less quickly by learning to see other perspectives when challenges arise.

On a physical level, Fuchsite has a positive effect on allergies and inflammation. It stimulates the pancreas and thus has a positive effect on blood sugar levels. Fuchsite strengthens the immune system and increases the flexibility of your muscles and skeleton.

Red Jaspis

Red Jasper, a powerful gemstone, is known for its grounding properties and healing effect on the human body. These gemstones have purifying and detoxifying powers, and offer support to our body by harmonizing the nervous system and stimulating the immune system. On a spiritual level, this gemstone helps to cleanse and stabilize the aura. It facilitates out-of-body experiences so that you can easily travel to other dimensions. Red Jasper also helps to remember dreams if you place the stone under your pillow while sleeping. Discover the beneficial effects of this special gemstone and experience a new level of balance and vitality.

Black Kyanite

This stone offers protection to the person who wears it. Emotionally, black kyanite helps to face blockages, open new paths and release emotions in a more positive way. It is a very good grounding stone. Balances the yin/yang energy. Black Kyanite is a great barrier enhancer as a talisman. It deflects negativity. Helps with dream analysis and insight.


Pyrite is recognizable by its square crystals in a color that varies from bronze to gold. It is also sometimes called fool’s gold.

Pyrite is a stone of action. It strengthens male energy. With pyrite you will take action faster and find the strength to overcome your fears. It makes you assertive and gives you self-confidence.

In addition, pyrite stimulates creative energy and helps protect you against negative energy.

Turitella Agate

Works grounding, stabilizing and protective. The stone has a calming effect, makes you feel safe and provides both mental and emotional peace and balance. It helps you accept yourself and helps you have confidence in yourself. It stimulates concentration and analytical thinking and helps you to distance yourself and look at things, and yourself, more objectively. This provides overview and insight and helps you to work systematically and find practical solutions. It helps you to set goals for yourself and work towards them. This stimulates personal growth and development. Agate also has a protective effect while traveling. Physically, agate has a positive effect on the immune system, nervous system and nerve pain, digestion, heart, blood vessels, eyes, stomach, intestines, bladder and bedwetting. It stimulates metabolism. Due to its protective effect, it is a good stone for women to wear during pregnancy. Also because it stimulates growth and has a positive effect on the uterus. The energy of agate is soft and calm. The stone therefore often has to be worn for a longer period of time before it has an effect, but it is therefore very suitable for sensitive people and children.

In addition to the general properties of agate, turitella agate works purifying and healing. It has a strong connection with the past and helps to make contact with previous lives. It is a very suitable stone for fertility problems.

Ruby in zoisite

Ruby in zoisite is a spiritual and vitalizing stone. Zoisite softens the properties of ruby. The stone strengthens a sense of individuality but also of connectedness. It promotes creativity and stimulates spiritual growth and wisdom. The stone is a good aid for reincarnation problems because it facilitates contact with previous lives. Physically, ruby ​​in zoisite has a vitalizing effect and has a positive effect on fertility and pregnancy, sleep problems, sexual organs, heart and reduces acidification.

Blue Agate

Blue Agate symbolizes inner peace & reflection. The stone has a calm & soothing energy and brings patience & serenity. The color blue urges calmness.

The stone has a grounding and calming energy and encourages reflection. Blue agate helps to explore polarities in your own self and in your belief systems.

Blue Agate not only helps harmonize your energies, but also reduces negative energies, keeping you relaxed and peaceful. Protection from negative energy is one of the most sought-after properties of agate. Blue Agate helps stabilize the aura, eliminating negative energy. In this way, the stone helps overcome bitterness or trauma.

Because you can better keep your calm, this stone also focuses on smooth communication. It is one of the best gemstones for those who come into contact with many people in daily life.


The color of the stone actually says something about its effect. The Carnelian is an uplifting cheerful gemstone that gives strength, perseverance and courage. It works activating and motivating and stimulates creativity. Are you experiencing a dip? This beautiful colorful gemstone takes you by the hand and gives motivation, cheers up and immediately increases self-confidence. This gemstone increases your own value, which will make emotions such as jealousy disappear. It helps you to stand up for yourself and be assertive when necessary. And can therefore also support (complaints related to) abuse or mistreatment. The Carnelian does not offer room for feelings such as depression, apathy and despondency, but tries to bring out the positive.

Aqua Aura

Aqua aura quartz is a protective and healing stone with a strong effect on the aura. The stone not only cleanses the aura but also reduces holes in the energy field (caused by, for example, traumatic experiences, serious psychological disorders and addictions). Aqua aura protects against negative energy, negative influences and spiritual or psychological attacks. The stone promotes self-realization by strengthening your inner potential and reducing obstacles. Because aqua aura activates the throat chakra, it strengthens communication, the expression of feelings and self-expression. Aqua aura strengthens the immune system and the healing properties of other stones.

Titanium Aura quartz

Titanium aura quartz provides a strong foundation together with a cheerful, relaxed attitude. It gives mental and physical strength and energy. It increases concentration, makes you goal-oriented and increases confidence in your own abilities. In addition, it has an uplifting effect and gives you the peace and resilience to deal with things calmly and flexibly and not to let yourself be thrown off course. Titanium aura quartz helps you to deal with the stress of everyday life in a relaxed way, especially for people who worry quickly or are a bit heavy-handed. Physically, stone has a positive effect on the immune system and the hormonal system.


Malachite is a powerful stone. It protects against radiation, pollution, accidents and other sources of negative energy and danger. The stone brings emotional balance and stability and makes you more resilient. It reduces fear and can bring suppressed feelings and experiences to the surface. This helps to make positive changes and to let go of blockages, inhibitions and negative behaviour patterns. Malachite strengthens empathy and understanding and stimulates healthy and equal (friendly) relationships. Physically it has a detoxifying effect, lowers blood pressure and strengthens the immune system and the body’s self-healing capacity. In addition, malachite can help with asthma, arthritis and arthrosis, bone fractures, epilepsy and problems with the heart and blood vessels. The stone is particularly suitable for women because it has a positive effect on the female genitals, (pre)menstrual complaints, female sexual problems (especially with an emotional or traumatic background) and supports childbirth.


Also called angel stone. The high vibration of this white stone brings infinite love, healing and transformation. The gemstone is directly connected to the light body and higher angel energy. It makes positive through the strong connection with the sun. After all, the sun caused the sea to evaporate, which created the rock. Furthermore, it ensures a clear mind and opens the crown chakra. Furthermore, the stone is known for bringing peace and self-confidence. However, the positive properties do not stop there. Meditation, telepathy, speaking with angels and other spiritual activities, Selenite does not shy away from it.


Apatite increases vitality, personal strength and promotes mental, physical and spiritual growth and development. It works motivating, makes you ambitious, independent and helps you achieve your goals. It clears the mind, increases intellectual skills and reduces confusion, apathy, worries, irritability and negativity. It stimulates creativity and self-expression. It promotes the absorption of calcium and therefore has a positive effect on bones, teeth, cartilage and osteoporosis. It has a positive effect on joints, arthritis, arthrosis, gout, rheumatism, cells, cell growth, hyperactivity and autism. Apatite helps you eat healthy, stimulates the metabolism and helps prevent you from eating too much.

Angel Aura

 The stone combines the gifts of Rock Crystal, Silver and Platinum. Not a cheap stone but incredibly powerful. The stone gives a strong connection with angels and ensures that messages from the angelic realm come across clearly. This angel stone connects the solar plexus with the higher consciousness. This allows soul messages to be united with the higher. Effectively it ensures clear thoughts, the path of life becomes clear again and the stone gives joy, energy and simply meaning in life. It also fills holes in the aura.


Howlite is a very fine and versatile stone. It has a calming effect, especially when you are angry or frustrated. When you experience stress, Howlite can feel like a safe, warm blanket that reduces stress. It is a stone that gives you insight into your own actions and the consequences thereof. Howlite lets you zoom out and helps you to gain control over your life or the situation. Because of its calming character, Howlite helps with sleeping problems. It slows down your grinding thoughts and protects you from nightmares. 

Physically, Howlite strengthens teeth and bones. It is a stone that also helps with skin complaints and people with poor balance. 

Pink Agate

Pink agate is a very calming and soothing gemstone that can dispel fear and give you strength, energy and courage. These properties together ensure that your self-confidence is increased. Pink agate is also great for balancing your emotions. The color of the stone is a reminder of the divine mother energy that you carry within you and accepts you completely and unconditionally as you are.  

Pink agate also has a healing effect on inflammation, intestines, metabolism and blood circulation. Promotes absorption of nutrients. 


Fluorite is a real study and thinking stone. It helps to see the big picture in the study material, and to make connections with existing knowledge. This makes it easier to organize the information and the material can be better absorbed.

This mineral brings you to your core in a gentle yet fast way. It brings out the best in you, both physically and mentally

In gemstone therapy, fluorite is often used as a protective stone for fears and for people who are not so strong in their shoes. Furthermore, fluorite is an important healing stone for the teeth and complaints of the mouth, bones, joints, skin and hair

Fire Agate

In addition to the general properties of agate, Fire Agate is one of the most grounding agate types and gives strength, energy and perseverance.

It works activating, makes you want to live again and stimulates passion and sexuality. In addition, it reduces fear and uncertainty and gives confidence.

It protects against curses and negative energy and thoughts of people and helps to get rid of addictions. Physically it works warming, stimulates the metabolism and has a positive effect on the blood circulation, the hormonal system, fatigue, exhaustion, sexual problems and depression.


Shungite has the ability to naturally correct lower energies, be they radiation or emotional frequencies, through its eternally inexhaustible ability to emit right-handed energies.

Shungite is a versatile stone that is only found in Russia. This stone is known as a calming stone that reduces complaints of stress such as tension headaches. Shungite has a strong absorbing effect on negative energies and offers powerful protection against various sources of radiation such as electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones, laptops, microwaves and other harmful influences.

Shungite has a cleansing and detoxifying effect on the body and in spaces where the stone is placed. It is a stone that supports illness and stimulates the body to heal. Especially with complaints of flu, the stone offers excellent support and helps to improve resistance and general health. Shungite has an anti-inflammatory effect and also reduces the influence of allergies.

On a spiritual level, Shungite helps to harmonize and balance the Chakras. It is a strong grounding stone but at the same time Shungite helps you to connect with your past or your future during meditations. Shungite is a stone that is very effective in letting go of traumatic events and the intense emotions that come with it. It is a comforting stone that helps with grief and mourning. This stone helps you to find yourself again.


The Amazonite is a typical blue-green gemstone with a dull glassy surface. Sometimes this gemstone is mistaken for a Turquoise or Aventurine. It is a stone that is known for inspiration, expression and balance. It is a strong protector against negative energy, electromagnetic radiation (mobile phones, computers, microwaves etc.) 

It is a calming gemstone that brings balance to extreme mood swings, sadness, anxiety, fear, trauma, worries and mourning. It ensures that the victim attitude is reduced and free will is strengthened. It helps with solving problems, because there is a balance between mind and intuition. This gemstone helps you to take steps in the right direction again, to tackle your problems and to stand up for yourself when you feel stuck or when your situation seems hopeless.

Spiritually, Amazonite brings the owner clarity in all facets of existence. You find your own truth and you come to see who you are and could be. It helps to communicate our newfound values ​​to others. The insightful stone also shows which qualities and gifts you possess.

Abalone Schell

Abalone is also called Paua Shell (mother of pearl).

How abalone shell works.

The reflection of the mother-of-pearl wards off evil.

It is therefore often placed with newborn babies, to protect them from the dangers of their new existence.

Provides relief from fear, sadness and anxiety.

The abalone shell helps you deal with disappointments and insecurities.

Also helps against skin inflammation, nervous heart complaints and asthma attacks.

Promotes happiness and joy.

The abalone shell gives inspiration and creativity. Soothes emotions and stimulates intuition.

Gives wealth, strength and long life.

The Abalone shell is good for digestion.


Dragon’s Blood Jasper is a combination of red and green jasper.

Jasper has a grounding and protective effect. The stone helps you achieve your goals and turn ideas into action. It makes you combative, energetic, persistent, determined and helps you go for something 100%. Jasper also helps you stand up for yourself and gives courage, makes you resilient and assertive and reduces fear of conflicts. It makes you sincere, honest, helpful and provides balance in body, soul and mind. The stone also promotes organizational skills, quick thinking and stimulates the imagination. Jasper absorbs negative energy and in this way protects against radiation, negative influences and environmental pollution. It makes astral travel easier. Physically, the stone has a positive effect on the blood circulation, digestion, intestines and the sexual organs.


Sodalite gives you insight into yourself and helps you be true to yourself. It promotes self-acceptance, self-respect and self-confidence. It helps break through limiting thought and behaviour patterns such as self-defence mechanisms, feelings of guilt, fears and phobias.

It promotes a desire for freedom, idealism, truth and the expression of your opinions and feelings.

Physically, the stone helps with complaints of the throat, neck, pineal gland, larynx and vocal cords (especially hoarseness). It reduces fever and blood pressure.

Tijger Iron

Tiger iron gives strength and vitality. It is a very nice stone to wear in case of exhaustion and fatigue or complaints of stress. Tiger iron gives new energy and promotes the absorption of iron and vitamin B. It is also a very nice earth stone that ensures a good discharge of tension and stress. Promotes blood circulation in the legs. 

Tiger iron also helps to close negative issues and to find solutions to problems. It promotes creativity and the perseverance to start new things. Tiger iron is a stone of inner knowledge and gives you the power to express your own opinion. 

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